Treatment of Lymphedema :: What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

Treatment of lymphedema with the Godoy method Treatment of lymphedema has evolved in recent years and today the Godoy method proposes the normalization or near normalization of lymphedema including elephantiasis.

Lymphedema is a clinical condition caused by the accumulation of macromolecules in the space between cells and by a drainage failure in the lymphatic system. Among the causes of lymphedema, congenital and acquired congenital diseases are highlighted. In the congenital an individual is born with a change in the lymphatic system that may or may not progress to lymphedema. In relation to the acquired causes the individual is born without injury in the system and during the life suffers an injury that leads to the appearance of lymphedema.

The diagnosis can be basically clinical and in cases of doubt complementary tests are necessary to confirm. We detected three types of lymphedema, which is the primary or congenital, secondary and another type of lymphedema that we have identified that is the joint in which there are associated congenital and secondary causes. It is critical that the doctor define the type of lymphedema well, otherwise treating a secondary lymphedema, as if it were primary, may be more harmful to the patient's beneficial treatment. In this way, it is essential that the patient has access to the doctor with experience in the treatment of lymphedema.

Treatment by the Godoy method involves manual lymphatic therapy (Godoy method of manual lymph drainage), mechanical lymphatic therapy (RAGodoy®), cervical lymphatic therapy (cervical stimulation-Godoy method), and compression mechanisms such as elastic stocking, bandages and stocking made with grosgrain textile, fabric in Brazil. The Godoy method is adapted to each patient and the reality of each case, where the treatment time can vary from one hour per week to eight hours per day. The goal is to achieve normalization or near normalization of lymphedema and the patient learns to keep reducing the volume of his limbs.

Lymphedema is a chronic disease where a multidisciplinary team must be involved according to each case. A correct diagnosis is important by identifying the cause or causes and defining the best therapeutic strategy. The maintenance of the results is another fundamental aspect in the treatment of lymphedema because there is no cure but treatment.

Another fundamental aspect to be put is that elephantiasis is only the clinical stage III of lymphedema and not the cause. Elephantiasis can be cured, but lymphedema does not. There is a mistake about the concept in social networks and this is very harmful to the patient because often a wrong diagnosis of elephantiasis is made. It is common to characterize all elephantiasis of cause filariasis, fact that is not our reality. The majority of the Brazilian population is not affected by filariasis.

It is essential that the patient has access to the treatment of lymphedema, but unfortunately is not recognized by the government and this fact is harmful to patients causing a serious problem to these people. It is important for those with lymphedema to claim recognition from their politicians. Lymphedema is an important public health problem and requires government support from diagnosis to treatment and maintenance of results.

Prof. Dr. José Maria Pereira de Godoy-médico Cirurgião Vascular-CRM 50739